Mandatory Recycling for Businesses & Multi-Family Complexes

California Assembly Bill 341 requires businesses and multi-family properties to recycle. Any business that generates at least four cubic yards of solid waste (trash) per week and any multi-family property with five units or more must have a recycling program in place.
California's organic recycling bill (AB 1826) requires that all businesses and multi-family properties arrange for organic waste recycling services unless provided an exemption from their jurisdiction.
California Assembly Bill 827 mandates most businesses that are subject to AB 341 and AB 1826 to provide recycling and organics containers at front-of-house to collect waste generated by customers from products they purchase and consume on the premises. Signage is required adjacent to the containers.
Visit the following web pages for more information regarding commercial recycling requirements in California.
Commercial Recycling FAQ
Mandatory Commercial Organics Recycling